Monday, April 4, 2016

5 Tips for Eating Clean

Eating clean is ALL THE RAGE right now. This is so funny to me because at the beginning of this century, eating clean was the only way to go. Meaning, it was the only option! You see, eating clean means avoiding processed foods and sugars and those things didn't even come on the scene until the 1940s. So basically what we are doing is going back to the basics. It's really quite hipster of us. Yet, trendy as it is, our bodies will thank us.

5 tips for following a clean eating diet

Here are some of my favorite tips for eating clean:

  1. Make Your Own. Take almond milk, for example. So much of what you find at the grocery store is filled with extra stuff I can't even pronounce. Have a sweet tooth? Make your own treats from scratch! I have two little lady monsters running around that are always dying to make a mess help me out in the kitchen. 
  2. Read the Label. This one seems like a no-brainer but we really really really need to get in the habit of reading what's IN our food. If you don't know what it is or if the ingredient list is really long, be skeptical. BE VERY SKEPTICAL. Especially if it's something like pasta which should have about 3 ingredients in it. 
  3. Shop the perimeter of the supermarket. This is my absolute favorite tip from food expert and U.S. food policy critic Michael Pollan. The best stuff is around the edge and should be 90% of your cart! 
  4. Don't eat in front of the television. Once you sit down on that couch, mindful eating goes out the window. And there is something about your favorite show that makes you reach for something with a crinkly package...
  5. Start a meal with greens. I don't always do this (for example, if my meal is a salad this would be just silly) but it's a good one. Before I eat, I will frequently serve myself a big handful of greens with a little olive oil and vinegar. I eat this first and then head for the rest of my meal. I invite my body to feast on the really valuable stuff first (leafy greens are just about the perfect food) and then dig into my proteins and the rest. 
Eating clean shouldn't be as hard as it is. We should be able to shop without scouring the labels like a crazy person. We should be able to trust that there aren't superfluous ingredients in our food. We should be able to eat our food without wondering whether or not there are hidden additives that will make us keep eating it. 

We should be able to do a lot of things when it comes to food but we can't. In the meantime, do your best and follow these tips! Happy CLEAN eating!

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