Except for myself, obviously. I'm incredibly mature and together-- a total "Grown-Up." It's OK to be jealous. I'm jealous of myself right now.
Want to know if you are a "Grown-Up?" Check out this list (love lists!) that I made entirely from my imagination (not from personal experience . . .). If you agree to three or more of the following, you, my friend are no "Grown-Up."
. . . you hum the soundtrack to Indiana Jones when doing something particularly effort-full, like parallel parking. Dum duh dum duh, dum duh dum, dum duh dum duh, dum duh dum dum dum!
. . . your snack of choice is one of the following: string cheese, goldfish crackers, graham crackers or a snack pack.
you know you want some . . .
. . . any time someone says the word "karma," you bust out in a rendition of Justin Timberlake's "What Goes Around . . ." complete with tenor falsetto.
. . . you think about flux capacitors sometimes.
. . . when listening to a newscaster on NPR compare predicting the future of North Korean succession to reading tea leaves, you think "oooh, like Professor Trelawney! I hope they don't get 'the Grim!'"
"the Grim" turned out OK for Harry, will it for North Korea?
. . . you defend Taylor Swift (aka T Swizzle).
. . . you abbrev. your words when speaking.
. . . sometimes you "hold it" for no reason, even if the bathroom is right nearby.
. . . your mom still does your laundry whenever you're in town. She folds it, too and uses fabric softener. You love it.
. . . you get this twinge of guilt whenever you are carded even though you are well above 21.
. . . you think the world would be a happier place if Justin and Britney or LC and Heidi got back together.
the good old days . . .
Well, how did you do?!
O No! I'm a grown-up. That sucks! I would love for my mom to do my laundry :(