Thursday, September 16, 2010

My Ex-Boyfriend's Band

Ok so maybe the title "ex-boyfriend" isn't really appropriate since we "dated" when we were in sixth grade for like three weeks. But still, three weeks back then was HUGE. Sure, we didn't ever talk and there was absolutely zero physical contact but, it meant something. Jason Blynn's curly blond hair was just too much for me to resist as an awkward sixth grader. Jason lived in my neighborhood so naturally, our romance started on the bus. Of course we would never speak directly to one another but we had our friends to help us communicate. It was like the most awkward game of telephone ever played, as if telephone isn't super awkward enough already.

Now Jason is a big deal. He's in a band with another schoolmate of mine, Sarab Singh, called Harper Blynn comes out of New York City. Of course I had an enormous crush on Sarab when I was in eighth grade. I was much more mature then; Sarab and I actually talked.

Jason is lead vocals and guitar while Sarab plays the drums. The other guys (Pete Harper and a guy name Whynot) are really great, too. I've just never met them before therefore never had a crush on them and apparently this post is all about my old crushes. Anyways, their songs are great-- I think my fave is "Steal Your Love."

Check out the review of their album "Loneliest Generation" on Paste Magazine's web site. Also-- their myspace page is amazing since it lets you listen to a bunch of their songs to see what you think.

I am posting their cover of Beyonce's "Halo" and hoping it will act as a gateway drug to their music. Enjoy!! My SF friends-- they will be at The Independent on November 10th!

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