Saturday, November 6, 2010

Ideas for Getting Out of A Bad Mood

Maybe today sucked. Maybe you have an ingrown toenail or your cat was acting up. Maybe your cat has an ingrown toenail. Or, maybe you were just grumpy for no reason. Whatever caused (or did not cause) your bad mood, you're desperate to get out of it. Because, let's face it, being in a bad mood is no fun (for you or the people around you).

This might surprise you but, I am not always a pleasant, bubbly person. I get grumpy and even mean sometimes. Shocking, I know- am I rocking your world?! While it might be easy to get in a bad mood, it's really tough to get out of one. This is where I am here to help. I've come up with a few tips to get help get you out of your bad mood.

1. Treat yourself to something. Not something big, like a pony, but something small and special, like a Diet Coke, a latte or some chocolate. Yum-tastic.  
2. Get up and get going! What you may want to do is watch the 6 hour, BBC version of Pride and Prejudice featuring the fantastic Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy (or something like that . . .) but, your body and mind will thank you if you just get out and do something! Make a plan, make a friend and get out of the house or office, just for a bit.
3. Exercise. Boost those endorphins to help your mood from really going south. Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't. (Yes, I am aware that I just quoted Legally Blonde making me, officially, a cliche.) 
4. Do something funny. Choreograph a dance to your favorite song (note: this becomes even funnier if you suck at dancing). Prank call a local grocery store (Do you have Mrs. Butterworth's syrup? You do? Well, you better give it back to her! is really a classic). If either one of those don't appeal to you, video yourself lip-syncing to a song like this guy:

5. Start drinking. It's five o-clock somewhere right? Unless you're not a happy drunk in which case, don't do this one, it'll make it worse.

Well, I hope this list was helpful. I know I already feel better.


  1. This dude makes TONS of videos with him lip syncing . . . you can't look away, right?!

  2. I am officially obsessed with this's given me lesson-plan ideas....especially the drinking part
