Sunday, November 7, 2010

I used to make fun of bloggers. . .

Not to their faces, of course. I'm just not like that. I at least had the decency to do it behind their backs.

Now that I'm a blogger, I think it's only fair that I should make fun of myself. As illustrated above, I'm a big fan of "knocking it before you try it." Here is a list of things I used to make fun of but got totally into later on:

1. Uggs. Sure, they may be a little funny looking but have you ever worn them? It's like cloaking your feet in a soft lamb right before it's sheared. Fantastic. I used to make fun of people for wearing them (again, behind their backs, like a lady) but now I own 5 pairs. Yup, 5 pairs.

This is but a small taste of what I had to live with for years.
2. The Color Pink. Since Claudymom decorated my room in Laura Ashley for the first ten years of my life, I kind of overdosed on pink. My bedroom looked like Laura had eaten bad Chinese food, chugged a whole bottle of Pepto Bismol to cope with it and then threw up over my room while her child was coloring the walls with only a pink marker. Once we moved into a different house, I vowed never to have pink in my room again. I hated it for a long time and, after years of healing, we eventually mended our relationship and my bridesmaids wore a lovely shade of vermilion on my wedding day. It was glorious.

3. Capri Pants. I didn't "get" them for a long time. Sure, they would be useful in the event of a flood but wouldn't my ankles be cold? I have very sensitive ankles. I would mock my dear friend Caroline for wearing them where we were in high school (I really was such a doll!) and it was only a short time later that I had capris of my own. They're quite handy in the mild-weathered San Francisco. Not quite pants, not quite shorts!

4. Harry Potter. There was a time in my life that I persecuted fans of the teenage wizard. It was a dark time in my past that is quite difficult for me to write about. I even threatened to tell my husband (who was then my boyfriend) the end of the 6th book because I had heard a rumor about what happened. I can't believe he still married me! Clearly, I have repented and stepped away from that dark time in my past. Ok, I'm done talking about it-- it hurts too much.

5. Diet Coke. Gosh, I am just bringing up all these painful memories! I used to think Diet Coke tasted disgusting and would make this face anytime people drank it around me:
Isn't it so fun when someone makes this face at what you're eating or drinking?
After years of making this face, I woke up one morning my sophomore year of college with craving for Diet Coke. My life hasn't been the same since! I have a sneaking suspicion that my roomies were slipping me some behind my back and therefore creating an addiction (ah, sweet addiction!) that I would happily carry into my adult life.

6. Highlights. Yes, I was judgmental of people who got highlights. Is there no end to my hypocrisy?! Now, without the help of a trained colorist, I would not be "blonde yogini" but rather "'I used to be blonde when I was younger and sometimes I get blonde in the summers if it's really sunny and I am outside enough' yogini." Thank God for my conversion, not to mention my fantastic colorist at my local Aveda salon (their blondes really are the best!).

7. Big Sunglasses. I was skeptical of the trend in designer eyewear at first because I didn't want to look like a bug or worse, Johnny Depp from Willy Wonka. Now, they are my go-to accessory on any sunny day. Without them, I would need a seeing eye dog when it gets really sunny. My absolute favorite are my Kaenon sunglasses-- the design is called Leila. I just feel so much better in big, fabulous sunglasses. When it comes to women's sunglasses, I say the bigger the better. They are worth the price, in my book and I daresay I look nothing like Willy Wonka (even though Johnny Depp is super hot and, while he's a man and everything, any likeness to someone of that caliber hotness is a compliment).

8. Many more things! Skinny jeans, gladiator sandals, Mexican food, Canada and the list goes on!

I guess I judge what I don't understand or feel uncomfortable with . . . I'm sure there's a lesson from history here. With my track record, in five years I will be a purple-wearing, Ashton Kutcher fan who votes Republican. Yikes!


  1. I make fun of everything and everyone. Is just more fun that way :)

  2. Did it just look "weird" on you? Classic! Love the pics in the blog!

  3. Jennifer Lauren, thank GOD for you or else I would have nothing to wear because everything looks weird on me!

  4. I am with you on pink, capris, and harry potter! oh, my sadder days. I've had to compromise on Canada: no matter how fabulous Montreal, Vancouver, Banff, and a single payor health care system may be, I just can't stop mocking the country as a whole, so I'm a contemporary hypocrite there for sure.

    My hypocrisy list also includes blow drying (so much effort for something that can happen naturally? whatever! now i bask in being WARM on winter mornings rather than having a head of ice), cute workout clothes (yes, i still find them too expensive, but now admit that they can actually inspire me to go to the gym), facebook (clearly the inferior and less-populated version of friendster... alas now i'm addicted), and OFFICE JOBS. (well, i haven't fully turned on that last one-- i swore i wouldn't have one, and now i have a love-hate relationship with my cubicle.)

  5. Val- hilarious! I can completely relate to you on blow drying and cute workout clothes! I'm a total convert in both arenas.

    Hope you come around with Canada-- loooove it!
